Preaching to the Converted on Medicare Reform

Politico is out with a great op-ed today from centrist thought leader Will Marshall on why the Ryan/Wyden Medicare reform plan deserves a fair hearing — especially among Democrats.  He’s preaching to the converted here at GHG — the Wall Street Journal noted our support for the plan last week in Fred Barnes’ column.

I agree with Will (as I usually do; Will and I are both former Clintonians and he is the longtime leader of the Progressive Policy Institute, one of my favorite centrist think tanks) — we like the concessions Ryan’s made to his plan in order to get Senator Wyden (D-OR) to support it, and remain hopeful (though not delusional) that both parties can put aside “Mediscare” tactics this election year for a thoughtful discussion about it.  More likely it’ll be next year, after the dust has settled from this messy race and the deficit reduction debate begins again in earnest.